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A Taïwan, le nouveau président, Lai Ching-te, appelle la Chine a « cesser ses intimidations »

Le trafic reprend progressivement à Bel-Air en direction de Charles de Gaulle - Etoile en répercussion d'un incident d'exploitation.

🤖 20/05 06:01

Le trafic reprend progressivement à Place d'Italie en direction de Charles de Gaulle - Etoile en répercussion d'un incident d'exploitation.

🤖 20/05 06:01

En République dominicaine, le président sortant Luis Abinader réélu

I just realized that Vox's Future Perfect wrapped itself in the "Effective Altruism" EA language when they launched six years ago and continues to do so. Now that EA has proven to be just narcissistic billionaire's favorite retconning apologetics tool for whatever new sociopathic behaviors they engage in maybe it'd be better to ditch that language. Just a thought #EffectiveAltruism #BillionairesShouldNotExist #Vox

Période : toute la journée jusqu'au lundi 20 mai à 17h00.

Dates : les samedi 18, dimanche 19 et lundi 20 mai.

Le trafic est interrompu entre Juvisy et Dourdan et entre Juvisy et Saint-Martin d'Étampes.
Un service de bus de remplacement est mis en place, avec desserte des gares intermédiaires.

Les horaires du calculateur d'itinéraire tiennent compte des travaux.

Motif : travaux de maintenance.

🤖 20/05 04:00

TIL: Word has an option to anonymise documents. This removes author names from comments etc., just a bit nicer for me to send to external partners.

It's hidden: File -> Info -> Inspect Document -> Inspect Document (again) -> untick all except 'Document Properties and Personal Information' -> Inspect -> Remove all

en réponse à Philipp Bayer

as does PowerPoint. I use it often to strip personal reminder notes and off slide content from documents for classes.
en réponse à Eli Roberson (he/him)

@thatdnaguy I think running the entire Inspect function will become a regular thing for me. Lots of embarrassing minor stuff gets removed this way (hidden sections etc.)

“I have seen the extremely restrictive off-boarding agreement that contains nondisclosure and non-disparagement provisions former OpenAI employees are subject to. It forbids them, for the rest of their lives, from criticizing their former employer.”

#openai #tech #ai

NBA : les Pacers dominent les Knicks et se qualifient pour la finale de la conférence Est

Interesting paper with a new tool on genome annotation liftover: LiftOn

Unlike Toga, LiftOn seems to produce annotations that can have more genes than the source annotation. I can't see any information on how these tools compare.

The sheer amount of academia-specific spam my mostly dormant university email account gets boggles the mind. There must be a huge business in fake conferences and fake journals for me to get >5 trash, but academia-specific spam emails per day
en réponse à Philipp Bayer

it depresses me for the future of academics.
internationally, publishing papers is the KPI of choice for all academics. without that international pressure, this fraud would not exist.
an university cannot change how its researchers are evaluated, and thus treated, when the entire global research community evaluates itself via, and clings to, these meaningless metrics.
en réponse à Philipp Bayer

Some of us are trying to fix this, one committee meeting at a time.
en réponse à Matthias Liffers

@m I tried! Every committee meeting I was on ended in 'we could fix this, if we had funding'. funding never came.
en réponse à Philipp Bayer

Certainly, when there is a huge business in legit conferences and journals, it just makes fakes more lucrative. Remove the business model from journals and many (admittedly not all) conferences, it might be a step forward.

Afghanistan : le groupe Etat islamique revendique l’attentat contre un groupe de touristes à Bamiyan

L'effrayante bouche des TORTUES marines - YouTube

Some people will only boost pictures that have an alt text. I sometimes write an alt text myself (using the hash tag Alt4You) and then boost. I don't know, if this is a good strategy to make Mastodon more accessible.

If you rely on alt texts to access the content of an image or video, what is the best practice in your opinion?

(Please don't vote, if you don't personally need alt texts.)


  • Don't boost pictures without an alt texts. Alt texts in the comments are not helpful for me. (40%, 8 votes)
  • Don't boost pictures without alt texts, but I appreciate it, if you add a comment with an alt text. (20%, 4 votes)
  • If you see a toot with a cool picture, add a comment with an alt text and boost it. (20%, 4 votes)
  • Other (20%, 4 votes)
20 votants. Fin du sondage : dans 2 jours

Cette entrée a été éditée (Il y a 8 heures)

hi everyone,

i'm currently seeking new job opportunities, preferably remote, but at this point, i'm open to ANY possibilities and international positions. my background is in administrative work and copywriting, and i'm always eager to learn and adapt to new roles. unfortunately, my current position hasn't been paying due to "managerial disputes" so i'm urgently looking for something new.

i live in the philippines (manila, philippines) and would greatly appreciate any leads or recommendations.

please boost for visibility! thank you so much for your help!

#getfedihired #fedijobs #FediHire #urgent #jobsearch #jobs #remotejob #remotejobs #onlinejob #onlinejobs #boost

Cette entrée a été éditée (Il y a 11 heures)

Missing person report in #NewHampshire #Vermont #DartmouthCollege
Please share!

“Kexin Cai
~115 lbs, ~25 years old, 5.7 feet
Last seen 15 may 2024 with Biktrix white electric bike with fat tyres and front rack.
For any information that can help us find her please call Lebanon police dispatch at 603 448 1212”

Some serious advice from someone that knows, and greatly wishes that they didn't: Say all the deep and meaningful things you've always wanted to say to someone while they are still able to receive them. It doesn't matter if it feels awkward. Find the right moment, but don't wait until that opportunity is taken away from you. The pain of regret is not worth it.

My Cat by Keiko Hiratsuka Moore. ❤️

Step 1) type out a reply full of unsolicited advice and sophomoric wisdom

Step 2) Delete that bullshit

Step 3) type out something like “that sucks. I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with that. Here’s a cat picture” send toot.


Période : à partir de 22h jusqu’en fin de soirée

Dates : les mercredi 1er, dimanche 5, mercredi 8, jeudi 9, dimanche 12,19 et 26 mai.

Le trafic est interrompu entre Saint-Martin d’Etampes et Paris Austerlitz :
- Dernier train au départ de Saint-Martin d'Étampes pour Paris Austerlitz à 21h41.
- Dernier train au départ de Paris Austerlitz pour Saint-Martin d’Etampes à 22h45.

Le trafic est interrompu entre Dourdan et Paris Austerlitz :

- Dernier train au départ de Dourdan pour Paris Austerlitz à 21h07.
- Dernier train au départ de Paris Austerlitz pour Dourdan à 22h15.
Un service de bus de remplacement est mis en place, avec desserte des gares intermédiaires.

Les horaires du calculateur d'itinéraire tiennent compte des travaux.

Motif : travaux de maintenance.

🤖 19/05 23:59

Google I/O 2024 🎯- Recap

Weren't able to catch Google I/O? Here's an overview of the announcements! 🗞


So, given the recent announcements by 'Mastodon' HQ, it seems like a forgeone conclusion that every posts ever made on the Fediverse will be used at some point as AI fodder.

If you have an account on, you should consider migrating to another server ASAP.

If you have an account on any other server, now is a good time to check the settings of your account through the web interface and make sure the option "Opt-out of search engine indexing" is checked.

Just in case.

Cette entrée a été éditée (Il y a 3 semaines)

Depuis qqs jours je réalise que j'ai beaucoup de difficultés à retrouver des noms... prénoms, titres de films ou de livres... j'ajoute ça à la liste à aborder avec ma MG en juillet mais c'est angoissant.
en réponse à La Korin de la jungle 🐿️

@LaKorin j'adore masto et le fedivers pour ça :)

Ben je vais me compléter, niveau dépression ça a aussi un impact, et j'ai une grosse suspicion de SCI pour moi depuis longtemps...

"Des données épidémiologiques ont établi un lien entre un apport alimentaire en folate insuffisant et une augmentation du risque de dépression. Depuis quelques années, certains chercheurs s'intéressent de près aux effets potentiels de l'acide folique comme adjuvant dans le traitement de la dépression."

en réponse à Écureuil folle 🐿️ ♾️

@anomaluridae @LaKorin j'avais aucune idée que ça pouvait être mes traitements ou une carence, ou le burn out, c'est carrément plus rassurant que ce que je commençais à imagine

Le 18 mai 2024, lors de la finale de la Ligue africaine des champions en Tunisie, les supporters du club de L'Espérance sportive de Tunis ont déployé des tifos impressionnants pour la Palestine.

L'article complet :

Johns Hopkins is doing a long-COVID survey and apparently is having trouble finding controls -- people who haven't had COVID. If this is you, consider giving them some clicks.

ont partagé

I built this "Little Free Art Gallery" for my wife a few years ago. She's turned into a prolific artist over the years and creates way more art than our house can handle, and she's run out of friends to gift them to. So now she can give her art away to the neighborhood.

#gardening #art

Comment utiliser FranceConnect+ ?

1. ????
2. ????
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!

By now you must've guessed that #GodotCon24 is going to happen in #Berlin right?

Here are some pictures from the Godot meetup during the recent #AMazeFest
in town 📸

We're already hyped to return!

#godot #godotengine #godotcon